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Partners of Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Wilderness Newsletter

Dick Evans

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

As we enter 2023, some things have changed in regard to the Partners and I want to make sure that information gets widely distributed. As some of you know, during the Pandemic, we were limited by both group size and duties by the CDC. Those restrictions have been lifted, so we are back in full force. Our plans are to resume the Monthly Newsletter we had prior to the Covid Situation. The last week of each month, folks who have signed up on our Website,, will receive the Newsletter detailing the next month's work and fun hikes, articles and other information. We are always looking for interesting, relevant articles, so feel free to send them to "" and we'll see if we can't incorporate them.

This is a bit early for the scheduled Newsletter, but on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 8th, we are going to have a very important meeting at the Gleanings Foundation for anyone who wants to help maintain trails. The Forest Service has a series of safety items that volunteers must be familiar with before they can perform any work, and we will go over those things then. Likely, we will do another class later in the year, but the more folks we can get briefed now will make things much easier, and allow you to understand how the system works and the work and limitations of the work. This is not a First Aid Class, although we will cover some injury-related issues. The class will be at the Gleanings Foundation, 167 Lodge Lane, in Robbinsville, starting at 1 PM and will probably last a couple of hours.

DIRECTIONS TO THE GLEANINGS FOUNDATION: To get to the Gleanings Foundation, from Ingles, take Route 143 east for 0.4 miles, then take Mountain Creek Road for 2.2 miles, and turn right onto Shope Road. From there, follow signs for the Gleanings Foundation, up the hill. Allow about 15 minutes from Ingles. If you have a Hard Hat, please bring it, if now, we will get you one, but we are not going to to any trail work.

Loop Trail in the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest Updates

The most exciting news for 2023 is that after almost four years, the entire Loop Trail in the Memorial Forest is back open. A Contract was let in late Fall, and the Contractor did a great job in restoring the tread-way just across the bridge, as you can see in the photo. In addition, they also rebuilt the trailhead access point for the Jenkins Meadow Trail, again shown. Later this Spring, plantings and other mitigation work will help to make these blend into the native area. Right now, there are plans that our friends from the Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards (SAWS) in Asheville will have a work crew most of the Summer in the Memorial Loop restoring the trail throughout the entire two mile loop. When you visit, say Hello to them!

Trailhead Access Point or Jenkins Meadow Trail Updated

We are all looking forward to an exciting 2023-please plan on joining us if you are able. More details will be in the Newsletter so be sure to sign up from the bottom of any website page!

See you on the Trail,

Dick Evans




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