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April's Partners of Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Wildnerness Newsletter

Dick Evans

Dear Partners and Friends, We have an exciting April coming up. Hope you can join us at some of these events. The first week of April, some of the Partners will be working with the Sierra Club Work Trip along the Slickrock Creek Trail. Although we have plenty of workers, you are welcome to join us Thursday or Friday. We'll start at the Slickrock Creek Trailhead by the Cheoah Bridge on Route 129 by Cheoah Dam at 9 AM daily. Be sure to bring gloves, drinks and lunch. Lots of tread work, step building, etc. Wednesday, April 12th- We have a Board of Directors Meeting starting at 10 AM at the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Loop. Observers are welcome to attend. After lunch, we will start a hike at 1 PM up the Memorial Loop and Naked Ground Trail looking at what promises to be a fantastic display of wildflowers. We will probably go for a couple of hours and turn around. Saturday, April 15th- Join the Partners at the Stecoah Valley Center for the Spring Festival. Starting at 11 AM, we plan on having a booth, crosscut saw demonstrations and general public information. Should be fun, lots of other groups there, as well as various vendors. Saturday, April 22nd- Join us for a joint Work Trip with the Benton MacKaye Trail Association. Meet at Tapoco Lodge on Route 129 at 9 AM. We will split into groups, depending on attendance, with some folks working up Tapoco Trail to Yellow Hammer Gap, and others working on steps at the Burchfield Trailhead across the river from the Lodge. Bring drinks, trail lunch, gloves. Thursday, April 27th- Join us for the Annual Spring Parking Area Cleanup with the Forest Service folks at the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Parking Area at 9 AM. We'll be trimming, sweeping, and general cleaning of the parking area and entrance road. We need folks for those tasks, as well as traffic control, etc. There will be a Hot Dog Lunch served. Hope everyone has a Great Spring. See you on the Trail, Dick



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